• Welcome to Metariver Cloud Service!

    Thank you for using our services and products (“Metariver Cloud Service(s)” or “Service(s)”). These Metariver Terms of Service define the relationship between Metariver Technology Corporation (“Metariver”), which provides Metariver Cloud Services, and members of Metariver (“Member(s)”) or non-members, who use such Services, with regard to the use of various Metariver Cloud Services, and contain useful information which may help you use Metariver Cloud Services.

    By using our Services, you are deemed to have been notified of Metariver Technology Terms of Service, and by signing up as a Member, you are deemed to agree to be bound by these Metariver Technology Terms of Service and additional relevant operation policies. Please take a moment to read these Metariver Technology Terms of Service carefully.

    Enjoy various Metariver Cloud Services.

    Metariver Technology provides a variety of Services that can make your engineering or simulation more convenient such as discrete element particle analysis, electro magneto analysis, monte carlo simulation and plasma simulation, through Metariver Cloud Services domain websites including www.metariver.co.kr You can use various Metariver Cloud Services through access the Internet such as PC, and you may easily check the details of individual Services provided under Information for each Service, and Help section on Metariver technology homepage.

    Metariver technology provides the same service contents to all of you in principle.

    By signing up as a Member, you can use Metariver Cloud Service.

    You may sign up to be a Member after reading and providing your consent to these Metariver technology Terms of Service. Metariver technology completes the registration process by providing its approval and provides a Metariver Cloud Service user account (“Account”). An account is a member authentication unit set up to manage history of each user’s usage of various Services once the Member logs in to Metariver Cloud Service.

    We will value all contents provided by you.

    Metariver technology promises to safely protect the contents that express your thoughts and emotions. Of course, you have your own rights such as intellectual property rights regarding the posts that you create.

    We safely protect your personal information.

    To provide more convenient Services to users, Metariver technology collects and uses Members’ personal information only to the extent of purposes and scope agreed by the Member and safely manages such personal information pursuant to applicable laws and regulations related to the protection of personal information. Metariver technology’s efforts or other details related to safely processing relevant personal information of users and Members can be found in our Privacy Policy.

    There are some precautions you should keep in mind with regard to use of Metariver Cloud Service Services.

    Metariver technology is trying its best so that you can conveniently enjoy Metariver technology Services. However, we need your help and cooperation in order to ensure safer use of Metariver Cloud Service Services and to ensure respect and protection of the rights of you and others. Your posting or use of Metariver Cloud Service Services may unavoidably be limited for to ensure safe use of Services and protection of rights in the following events, so please check and comply with the following.

    • You should not provide false information regarding your name, mobile phone number, etc. when you sign up as our member. Please make sure that the information registered in your member account is accurate and up-to-date. You should not sell, transfer, lend or provide your account as security or allow others to use it. Also, you should not use another person’s account which does not belong to you without permission.
    • result identified as directly related to crime such as performing and abetting acts that are prohibited or subject to criminal sanctions under applicable laws may be subject to limitation.
    • Users should not use Metariver Cloud Services in ways which do not correspond with Metariver technology’s purpose of providing its services, which is based on the premise that it is the certain user (person) himself or herself that actually uses Metariver technology’s Services, such as joining or attempting to join as a Member, logging in or attempting to log in to Metariver Cloud Service, posting or attempting to post on Metariver Cloud Service, engaging in communication through Metariver Cloud Service (e.g., e-mail, messages), collecting ID or posts on Metariver Cloud Services, searching with certain query terms on Metariver Cloud Service search service or selecting (i.e., click) certain item among the search results by using automated means (e.g., macro program, robot (bot), spider, scraper, etc.) without the prior permission from Metariver technology, or attempt to disable Metariver technology’s technical measures to block such abuse of Metariver Cloud Services (e.g., accessing by constantly changing IPs, making a detour or disabling Captcha through external solution, etc.).
    • In addition, users may not copy, modify, sell, transfer, lend, provide as security or give another person the permission to use Metariver Cloud Services or software contained in Metariver Cloud Services. Reverse engineering, attempting to extract source code, copying, deconstructing, imitating or otherwise altering the software contained in Metariver Cloud Services is also prohibited (however, if the software is an open source, its own terms and conditions will apply). Moreover, uploading viruses or other malicious codes or abnormal use of service functions in order to interfere with smooth operation of Metariver Cloud Services is prohibited.

    Metariver technology provides support to ensure stable and smooth use of Services through provision of posting operation policy, terms and conditions or operation policy under each individual Service, Information and Notice sections under each Service and Help section under the Customer Center, within the scope of these Metariver technology Terms of Service.

    If Metariver technology has to restrict the use of Services for inevitable reasons, it will comply with reasonable procedures.

    While Metariver technology promises to handle your contents containing various information and opinion with care, if your post is in violation of applicable laws or any terms in these Metariver technology Terms of Service Metariver technology may delete or make such contents private contents or refuse to post such contents. However, this does not mean that Metariver technology is obligated to review all contents.

    Moreover, if you do not comply with applicable laws or violate any provisions in these Metariver technology Terms of Service, Metariver technology may check the details of your related action, and depending on the results, provide precautions regarding the use of Metariver technology Services or restrict the use of Services by suspending a part or all of Metariver technology Services on a temporary or permanent basis. If Metariver technology believes that it would be difficult to maintain the Metariver technology Terms of Service as a whole even after restricting the use of Services as provided above, Metariver technology may inevitably terminate these Metariver technology Terms of Service entered into between you and Metariver technology.

    If we have to restrict your use of Services for unavoidable reasons, we will follow the above-mentioned step-by-step principle regarding restriction on use of Services unless matters that require urgent actions to prevent risks or damages are involved due to apparent violation of laws or infringement of another person’s rights.

    You may terminate these Metariver technology Terms of Service at any time.

    Although it is a pity for Metariver technology, members may apply for termination of this Term of Service and withdraw from Metariver Cloud Services membership at any time, and in such case, Metariver technology shall process such application pursuant to applicable laws, etc. without delay.

    Upon termination of these Metariver technology Terms of Service, all data of Members including all posts related to the member’s account will be deleted and become irrecoverable unless applicable laws and the privacy policy allow Metariver technology to retain a certain user’s information. so please transfer such result before you apply for termination and then deactivate your membership.

  • 1. Collected Personal Information

    The personal information collected by Metariver cloud service at the time of signing up for membership is provided below.

    • - When a user signs up to Metariver cloud service, user ID, password, name, email address, and mobile phone number used for membership verification are required for collection.
    • - When an organization signs up to Metariver cloud service, the organization’s ID, password, official name, email address, Business number, and mobile phone number used for membership verification are required for collection. The name of the organization’s representative may also be optionally collected at the discretion of Metariver cloud service members.
    The following personal information is collected while users use the service.

    - Your software usage information is aggregated by the administrator in your organization when you use the Metariver Technology's software. Also the information is collected and managed.

    - Additional personal information may be collected from users of specific Metariver cloud service services while the user uses the service, participates in an event or applies for a prize.

    2. Use of the Collected Personal Information

    Metariver cloud service uses personal information only for purposes described below, which includes managing subscribers, developing, providing and improving services of Metariver cloud service and Metariver cloud service- related services (including mobile web/app), and creating a safe internet user environment.

    • - Personal information is used to confirm user’s intent to subscribe to Metariver cloud service, verify the identity of the user and legal representative, identify the user, confirm the user’s intent to unsubscribe from Metariver cloud service, and for other subscriber management purposes.
    • - Personal information is used to provide existing services, including contents and advertisement, and also used to analyze demographic data, service visitations and use records, create relationships between users based on users’ personal information and areas of interest, provide customized services and areas of interest, and discover other elements that can be used to develop new services and/or improve existing services.
    • - Personal information is used to restrict users who have violated laws, regulations and Metariver cloud service’s User Agreement from using the service, prevent and restrict actions that interfere with seamless service operation, including any delinquent actions, prevent account fraud and illegal transactions, deliver notices on agreement updates, store records on dispute mediation, handle civil petitions and for other user protection and service operation purposes.
    • - Personal information is used to verify the user’s identity when providing cloud services, make purchases and payments and to deliver product and services.
    • - Personal information is used to provide information on events and provide opportunities to participate, to provide advertisement and for other marketing and promotion purposes.
    • - Personal information is used to analyze service use records and access frequencies, calculate statistics on service use, analyze services and provide customized services based on statistics, and place advertisements.
    • - Personal information is used to relieve users in circumstances that involve security, privacy and safety and to build a usable service environment.

    3. Destruction of Personal Information

    As a rule, the Company destroys personal information immediately after the user unsubscribes from the service.

    However, personal information can be stored safely for a designated amount of time, even after the user unsubscribes, if Metariver cloud service has obtained separate consent from the user to store the personal information for a certain amount of time, or if the Company is obligated by law to store the information for a specific time period.

    Metariver cloud service will obtain separate consent from the user for personal information storage for a specified period for the following purposes.

    • - To prevent any fraudulent subscription and use Mobile phone number or duplicate information (DI) of fraudulent users for subscription verification: Stored for 6 months from the date of withdrawal Mobile phone number of users withdrawn from membership : Stored for 6 months from the date of withdrawal

    Relevant statutes, including the Act on the Consumer Protection, in Electronic Commerce, Etc., the Framework Act on Electronic Documents and Transactions, and the Protection of Communications Secrets Act, require Metariver cloud service to store the information for a certain period of time under the following circumstances. Metariver cloud service stores personal information during the set period under the provisions of the statutes and in no case will it ever store this information for any other purposes.

    • - Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce
      Records on subscription or withdrawal of subscription: Store for five (5) years
      Records on payment settlements and supply of goods: Store for five (5) years
      Records on customer complaints or dispute settlements: Store for three (3) years
    • - Framework Act on Electronic Documents and Transactions
      Records on the distribution of electronic documents through authorized electronic addresses : Stored for 10 years
    • - Electronic Signature Authentication
      Record of authentication certificate and tasks on authentication : Stored for 10 years from the date on which the certificate becomes invalid
    • - Protection of Communications Secrets Act
      Records on sign-in: Store for three (3) months

    Personal information is immediately destroyed to an un-restorable state once the purpose of collecting and storing personal information is fully served, which includes the user’s membership cancellation, service termination, and/or expiration of the personal information storage period that was approved by the user. Personal information stored under the law is immediately destroyed to an un-restorable state once the storage period is expired.

    Personal information stored in electronic form is safely deleted using a technical approach to prevent it from being restored or regenerated while written information is shredded or incinerated.

    Note that Metariver cloud service separately stores and manages the personal information of users who have not used its service for one year or longer in compliance with the Personal Information Validity Period Plan.